Summer Schedule

Start date: July 1, 2023
End date: August 31, 2023
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

July – JOINT services at Churchill United Church, at 10:00 am – 

July 23 – SONGFEST:  a joint, casual, family-friendly service of favourite hymns and reflections. Supervision is available for kids at Sunday Club. Let us know your favourites or if you would like to sing or perform! Churchill 10:00 am

August – both churches will be CLOSED, as Krista is on vacation. Please make a point to visit one of our Innispirit or South Simcoe Cluster of United Churches! 

August 19 – Gilford United Beef Dinner

Time – 5-7 pm 

Cost – $25.00 (steak dinner) and kids $10.00 (hamburger meal)

TAKE OUT option available – Contact   

Denise 705-458-1145,          

Or Anne – 705-791-0544,

DEADLINE for ORDERS – Sunday, August 13th