What the United Church believes
The Bible
The United Church affirms a belief in the Bible as the main source and standard of the Christian faith. Our church believes writers of the scriptures were humans inspired by their quest for God. The books of the Bible are the stories of two communities, the ancient Israelites and early Christians, trying to be faithful to God under difficult circumstances. Their stories and teachings have the power to inform our lives and bring us closer to Jesus and God as we ponder their meaning for us today.
The United Church celebrates two sacraments: baptism, the ritual that formally recognizes we belong to the Christian community, and communion, a symbolic community meal initiated by Jesus. They are central to the understanding and practice of our faith.
Jesus welcomed everyone, whether they were poor, rich, or just getting by; ill or healthy; self-made or educated; popular or a loner; secure or full of doubts. The United Church of Canada prides itself on welcoming everyone the way Jesus did, regardless of age, race, class, gender, orientation, or physical ability.
Multi-faith Relations
The United Church of Canada views the religious practice of all people of goodwill with respect and gratitude. We believe the Spirit of God is at work in other faith communities and that there are different paths to God. For Christians, Jesus is the way we know God. Difference is around us and, we believe, a cause for celebration and working together for a better world.
Social Justice
Caring and sharing was central to Jesus’ teachings. The United Church cooperates with other churches, faith traditions, and other people of goodwill to eliminate poverty and protect the vulnerable. Throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean, the United Church works with 143 partner churches and organizations by supporting work they see as vital to their well-being. This enables us to feed the hungry, care for the sick, and shelter the homeless beyond our normal reach.