About Us
We’re welcoming congregations
At Gilford and Churchill United Churches, with our Minister’s open acceptance and guidance, we are given the opportunity to understand the Bible and to learn how it may be personally relevant — to explore what faith means personally. We are free to ask questions and receive in return, answers or ideas for our own consideration. We are not about “saving” or “judging”. We are a group of neighbours who are exploring the spiritual side of life. If you are a person for whom “religion” has lost meaning but you still have an interest and a curiosity in spirituality and faith, then you will feel at home here. We are friendly and supportive churches, of one another and the community beyond our doors.
Our Minister
Krista Moore recently graduated with a Master of Divinity from Emmanuel College (University of Toronto), including two years online during the pandemic. What she learned was invaluable: “We must build community and find the sacred no matter what is going on in the world.” And that she did! Krista enjoyed chairing the Emmanuel College Student Society, participating on the Board of Regents of Victoria University, hosting worship on the Spiritual Life team and helping out during her contextual education experience at St. Mark’s United in Scarborough, where she lives with her husband and two kids (who have recently flown the nest!) She enjoys life outside of the big city, puttering in her garden and travelling up to Barrie to see her folks.